Two international trainings on the in vitro culture of AM fungi are offered by the CESAMM/GINCO teams.

For more information, visit: International trainings website


PhD positions offered (2005-10-07)

PhD 1: The molecular phylogeny and diversity of AMF: DNA barcodes, FISH probes, and phylochip development:

This research will be carried out at the UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY DARMSTADT (TUD) established in Germany (contact person Arthur Schuessler,

·Development of a DNA barcode system for the identification of AMF.
·Sequencing of rRNA genes suitable for barcoding. Seven additional genes (AFTOL) and the Glomus intraradices gelastnameic sequence will be accessible and analysed.
·Molecular phylogeny of AMF for phylogenetic and taxolastnameic definition of isolates.
·Development of FISH probes for AMF, integration of sequence alignments in ARB.
·Implementation of DNA barcodes as WWW-based identification-interface.

PhD 2: Development of an airlift bioreactor for the mass-production of AMF:

This research will be carried out at the UNIVERSITE CATHOLIQUE DE LOUVAIN (UCL) established in Belgium (contact person Stéphane Declerck,

·Development of an in vitro culture system for AMF in bioreactors.
·Identification of the nutrient (macro and microelements, carbon, vitamins and hormones) and gaseous (O2, CO2) composition favourable for mass-production.
·Determination of fungal viability, infectivity and purity.
·Application of DNA barcodes for AMF and their endobacteria as a quality control system for the mass-production of AMF in bioreactors.

PhD 3: Development of taxolastnameic microarrays to trace and characterize AM fungi from temporal agro- and forest ecosystems:

This research will be carried out at the INSTITUT NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE AGRONOMIQUE [INRA] established in France (contact person Francis Martin,

·Development of DNA-microarrays (phylochips) for tracing AMF into field.
·Spotting of variable AMF and bacterial rDNA oligonucleotides as sensitive targets for the organisms, and suited other genes (e.g. RPB1, RPB2, ATP6, mt-rDNAs).
·Integration of sequence alignments in ARB and other bioinformatics tools, to design probes and deliver data to the scientific community.
.In-field monitoring of AMF as feed-back source for phylochip development.
·Design of applicable phylochips for tracing the active AMF community in the field. In the late phase of the project field studies in Belgium and Germany will be performed.

PhD 4: Tracing endobacteria in AMF by molecular and morphological approaches in correlation to AMF phylogeny:

This research will be carried out in UNIVERSITA? DEGLI STUDI DI TORINO (UNITO) established in Italy (contact person Paola Bonfante, &

·Investigating and characterizing AMF endobacteria as integral parts of AMF.
·Application of ROC?s to investigate the effects of the endobacteria ('BLOs', Glomeribacter) and their distribution on fungus and plant.
·Development of probes for phylochips and FISH using rDNA and other already characterized sequences from Glomeribacter. Genes of 'BLOs' will be sequenced.
·Evaluation of endobacteria as suitable phylogenetic markers in AMF lineages, including newly recognized families basal to the Gigasporacea.

The four PhD students will have the opportunity to spend periods in all the institutions involved in the project to learn techniques and conduct complementary experiments to answer the questions of TRACEAM.

The PhD studentships will be available from February/March 2006 for a period of three years.

Criteria for recruitment of young fellows will be
·high grade academic curriculum vitae in most appropriate discipline
·interest and motivation in the research activity and accomplishment of PhD
·interest in mobility
·agreeable personality and integration capacity within teams
·candidates must speak English

The young fellows should send their CV to the contact person of the PhD subject of interest and to Dr. Arthur Schuessler (address below) as coordinator of the proposal.

The deadline is 01/01/2005

The start date is 01/03/2006 (+/- 1 month)

The duration is 36 months

The yearly living allowance is approx 31 000 euro
